
Posts Tagged ‘new york times interview’

Faeries, I thought you were nuts when you told me to retire… (readers, see previous post)  But out of the magical blue, I had this feeling of being retired.  WEll,  really I did leave  the regular workforce and start my own business a few years back. About this; I have said to others, “When I used to work” then I laugh at myself because I do work! 

But the feeling I got was such a shift:  Like “I’m retired, I do what I want.”  It’s a right brain shift therefore pretty darn hard to articulate the feeling. I just magically knew I can do what I want, and remove the don’t wants ie:  The left brainy things that say, ‘what can you do today to keep yourself out there?”   And what I don’t want is to spend time fussing over “what’s the best options for marketing.”  

And so on my first day of retirement, I curled up in the evening and visualized:   magical people, my name getting out there without me fussing over any of it, my workbooks just simply finding their way to people who are looking for exactly that kind of magic.. you know, that sort of thing.

ya, we know that sort of thing!!

and lo and behold, LOOK what happened the very next two days!

wasn’t that FUN for us to watch you – especially the laughing!  and the rolling your eyes at yourself, saying “silly Janet, this is what you teach, but you forgot to apply it to marketing!”

Well, we do all have a left brain.. and mine was being rather controlling on the marketing, wasn’t it?

actually, no, we don’t ALL have a left brain.  we’re not quite sure why you mortals have one.  without it, you could fly.

mmm, follow up on that comment will have to wait for the book to be published.  SO close to being done.  Any publishers interested out there?

uh, potter.. get your head out of the left…

OH YA!  I’ll visualize that too!

Anyway…  a gathering of magical people happened, amazing people from around the world contacted me for coaching, work(play!)books sold especially well, and the NEW YORK TIMES called me for an INTERVIEW!

Celebrating! Celebrating! Celebrating my ‘retirement”!!!  

let’s go eat cake!

Yes, lets.

ps. you can check out the other version of this event.. details, techniques, and the faeries tend not to say much on the other blog.  Which is neither good nor bad.. it just is. Faeries be where faeries want to be!


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